The Preservatory Logo

Welcome to the Preservatory

Preventing Suicide with the
4 Elements of Hip-Hop

We empower and unify our communities through the vibrant culture of hip-hop, addressing the challenge of suicide with creative expression, education, and a shared commitment to mental wellness.

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About Us

We've all been touched by suicide and are passionate about creative solutions to this epidemic.

We're Passionate about Change

The Preservatory is more than an organization; it's a movement.

A movement fueled by artists, activists, volunteers, and supporters like you. Together, we’re not just changing narratives; we’re saving lives, one beat at a time.

At The Preservatory, we’re pioneering a new pathway to mental wellness, intertwining the expressive power of hip-hop culture for those navigating mental health challenges. Born from a shared vision to disrupt the silence surrounding mental health, especially in communities where stigma often reigns, our mission is to ignite conversations, foster connections, and build a resilient community through the universal language of hip-hop.

Dive deeper into our story, discover our programs, and see how you can be part of this life-changing journey. Welcome to The Preservatory, where hip-hop and mental health advocacy meet.

Our Approach

The Preservatory embraces the multifaceted power of hip-hop to navigate the complexities of mental health. We recognize the warning signs and create intervention strategies through…

Risk Factors Awareness

Highlighting the contributing elements to mental health struggles, from personal and family history to environmental stressors.

Empowerment Programs

We're planning on offering self-care classes, support groups, and networking spaces.

Local Resource Allocation

Connecting individuals to local, accessible resources and information.

Suicide Rates per year by the CDC


Addressing the stark reality with current data to underline the urgency of our mission.

Support Mechanisms

We are in the process of structuring funding partnerships, services, and volunteer opportunities to support the mental health of our community.

Support Mechanisms

4 Elements of Hip Hop: Engagement Channels

We are going to be providing creative outlets to support our community's mental health through the 4 Elements of Hip Hop. Our Vendor Network is already comprised of over 50 providers of creative services offered to our community members In Denver, Colorado.


A powerful form of self-expression and release, providing a creative outlet for individuals to explore their physical limits and express their innermost feelings.


It’s about weaving a tapestry of sounds that tells a story, to celebrate diversity and history, spinning a cultural narrative that resonates across generations.


Gives voice to the silent, turning personal struggle into powerful narratives, forging solidarity and understanding within the community.


The visual soul of hip-hop, offering artists a canvas to declare their identities and perspectives—each spray-painted line and color a testament to personal and communal narratives

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